mc collilieux
2009-11-03 20:03:38 UTC
Where is the repair of the wiki? Perhaps it's my turn to try... if you
have still the data.
Marie-Claude Collilieux
2009-11-03 20:58:57 UTC
Salut Marie-Claude ( I assume you are French ) !

the 'mysqldump' of the database is here http://tybart.free.fr/crimson/
From what I understand, PHPwiki does not store the page in clear text.
I assume they are around line 825, the 2 loooooooonnnnng lines....

I never managed to set-up a working PHPwiki on my Mac, where I could have
restored the wiki...

good luck


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: mc collilieux <mccnews-***@public.gmane.org>
Date: Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 9:03 PM
Subject: wiki
To: crimson-users-***@public.gmane.org

Where is the repair of the wiki? Perhaps it's my turn to try... if you have
still the data.
Marie-Claude Collilieux
2009-11-03 21:05:23 UTC
The Text is inside the dump, but some garbage in front and without any
visible relations. One need to install a PHPwiki - I haven't find the
time yet.

Post by Philippe BARTHELEMY
Salut Marie-Claude ( I assume you are French ) !
the 'mysqldump' of the database is here http://tybart.free.fr/crimson/
From what I understand, PHPwiki does not store the page in clear text.
I assume they are around line 825, the 2 loooooooonnnnng lines....
I never managed to set-up a working PHPwiki on my Mac, where I could
have restored the wiki...
good luck
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 9:03 PM
Subject: wiki
Where is the repair of the wiki? Perhaps it's my turn to try... if you
have still the data.
Marie-Claude Collilieux
Henk Jonas
Palm OS ® certified developer

metaview-S0/***@public.gmane.org www.metaviewsoft.de
Константинов Юра
2009-11-03 21:36:06 UTC
Hey, what about a XML/PHP tool that just looks through a PDF for the requested section? Would this do the trick? (Or a PHP, that makes a HTML copy of PDF's section and forwards it in response to request).
2009-11-03 21:43:11 UTC
Post by Константинов Юра
Hey, what about a XML/PHP tool that just looks through a PDF for the
requested section? Would this do the trick? (Or a PHP, that makes a HTML
copy of PDF's section and forwards it in response to request).
not sure I get you....
the PHPwiki is dead, after an update of PHP done by SEUL.
PHPWiki assumes that you have access to the admin page.
Which is not our case.
so, the problem (AFAIK) to get back the pages content from a SQL dump.

You know how to get the data in XML ?

Константинов Юра
2009-11-04 05:27:53 UTC
I think you need to disassemble the dump and create a PDF, with XML or PHP only doing the search.
Nikola Smolenski
2009-11-04 07:55:50 UTC
Post by Philippe BARTHELEMY
the 'mysqldump' of the database is here http://tybart.free.fr/crimson/
From what I understand, PHPwiki does not store the page in clear text.
I assume they are around line 825, the 2 loooooooonnnnng lines....
I never managed to set-up a working PHPwiki on my Mac, where I could
have restored the wiki...
good luck
The pages are stored as PHP serialized variables, and actual text appear
to be compressed with zlib, see
2009-11-04 08:10:47 UTC
No, it isn't. Text isn't compressed in this dump.
Post by Nikola Smolenski
Post by Philippe BARTHELEMY
the 'mysqldump' of the database is here http://tybart.free.fr/crimson/
From what I understand, PHPwiki does not store the page in clear text.
I assume they are around line 825, the 2 loooooooonnnnng lines....
I never managed to set-up a working PHPwiki on my Mac, where I could
have restored the wiki...
good luck
The pages are stored as PHP serialized variables, and actual text appear
to be compressed with zlib, see
Henk Jonas
Palm OS ® certified developer

metaview-S0/***@public.gmane.org www.metaviewsoft.de
Константинов Юра
2009-11-04 09:26:42 UTC
Uncompress the text, PDF it and make a PHP-lookthrough widget which would be embedded into the website as "wiki".
2009-11-04 09:33:14 UTC
The text isn't compressed but there are any visible linkage. Means it is
kind of useless without PHPwiki, atm.

Another problem is the amount of sex-spam inside the dump.

(353,3,1089823620,1,'!!! The Story of Nexus\n\n!! the new Cold War\n\nIn
the year of 2162, Jens Rasmussen piloted a test craft developed secretly
by the European Union and became the first human to travel faster than
light speed, sparking mankind\'s largest controversy since the
development of the atomic bomb. The main problem was that the drive
developed functioned by using gravity waves. While that, in itself, was
not a problem, the fact that the drive could easily be converted into a
terrible weapon capable of destroying entire planets was a problem. The
People\'s Republic of America demanded that the technology be suppressed
and that faster than light travel was not needed. In any case, in a
politically embarrassing episode the People\'s Republic of America got
their hands on the original designs for the drive and began building
their own. As a new Cold War began, the European Union defiantly sent
exploration missions powered by the new drive, and the People\'s
Republic of America secretly did as well.\n\nDuring this period, mankind
found itself once again balanced on the brink of destruction. Once
liberated from the destruction that could be wrought by simple nuclear
weapons, the new devices were capable of destroying entire planets. Of
course, it was generally ignored that it would take so much energy to
destroy a planet, even with this new technology, that the likelihood of
it ever happening was pretty small.\n\nIn the otherwise forgotten year
of 2179, a mineral-rich planet was found by the secret PRA missions.
Found in a binary star system surrounded by black holes, this planet
contained more natural resources than any other three planets put
together thus far known to mankind. It was a valuable prize, but would
be extremely risky to capitalize. While it was only accessible from two
directions, the PRA moved in and settled this planet, ruthlessly driving
their astronauts inward and losing hundreds to the black holes that
surround it. By the year 2187, this planet, known as Nexus, had started
producing weapons that would shift the balance of the Cold War in the
PRA\'s favor.\n\nWhile the PRA was off diddling around black holes, the
EU discovered an intelligent, space-faring race known as the Empire of
Kand. Making a quick alliance, the EU felt that if war were to break
out between itself and the PRA they would be in a superior position due
to their alliance with Kand.\n\nIn the year 2201, war broke out between
the EU and the PRA. In 2204, as a result of certain losses taken by the
PRA during this war, contact with Nexus was lost.\n\n!! Nexus, on its
own\n\nOn its own, Nexus was incapable of supporting the technology base
enjoyed by other planets settled by mankind and was forced to revert
back to steam power in order to survive. The reversion didn\'t go
smoothly, entirely, either. The PRA had always been plagued by factions
competing for power including several groups poised to overthrow the
totalitarian government, and when Nexus lost contact with the PRA
various factions revolted. The result of the revolts found Nexus
largely held in anarchy, and most of the technology known to Nexians
fell into disrepair and disuse.\n\nA small group of intrepid settlers
gathered together any and all literature they could find on the planet
and founded a city high up in the Mountains of Tiaer. In this city they
created a library that stored the collective technological knowledge of
all of Nexus. The city was named Allantha.\n\nThe next 400 years,
reckoned by Nexus\'s revolutions
Post by Константинов Юра
Uncompress the text, PDF it and make a PHP-lookthrough widget which would be embedded into the website as "wiki".
Henk Jonas
Palm OS ® certified developer

metaview-S0/***@public.gmane.org www.metaviewsoft.de
Константинов Юра
2009-11-04 09:54:59 UTC
PHP-lookthrough script could just have page_num referrers in order to perform search. PHPWiki requires admin access? then write it's XML replacement or look for one.
2009-11-04 10:00:44 UTC
Post by Henk
No, it isn't. Text isn't compressed in this dump.
we meant it is in the ' -- Dumping data for table `mw_text' section ?
I thought this was an old version ( wikimedia-based, hence the 'mw' prefix )
I looked the '-- Dumping data for table `page` section, which I
thought was the phpwiki version
this section contains scrambled data.

So if it is in the mw_text section, then maybe I could take the text,
and put it in static HTML.
( time-consuming,but I do not know what else to do )

mc collilieux
2009-11-04 14:47:55 UTC
Post by Philippe BARTHELEMY
Salut Marie-Claude ( I assume you are French ) !
yes ! and natural francophone :) Salut à toi
Post by Philippe BARTHELEMY
the 'mysqldump' of the database is here http://tybart.free.fr/crimson/
Post by Philippe BARTHELEMY
From what I understand, PHPwiki does not store the page in clear text.
I assume they are around line 825, the 2 loooooooonnnnng lines....
Okay i have download the dump, and gave it a first look. I think you
have already tried to recover so some initials questions:

1 - which version of phpwiki is needed ? I install 1.2.11, tables don't
match with the mysqldump contents

2 - all tables in the dump are set in latin 1 but it seems some data
contents are utf8 ?

3 - There is also some data lost in mediawiki ?
Marie-Claude Collilieux
2009-11-04 15:28:08 UTC
Post by mc collilieux
1 - which version of phpwiki is needed ? I install 1.2.11, tables don't
match with the mysqldump contents
2 - all tables in the dump are set in latin 1 but it seems some data
contents are utf8 ?
3 - There is also some data lost in mediawiki ?
I was not involved at the time in CF....
actually, I never saw the wiki working....
So I do not have the answers

anyone the ML has this knowldege ?

Константинов Юра
2009-11-04 15:32:00 UTC
I think that you need the Wiki to work as a PHP, which just looks through PDF. That must do the trick. Lost data in mediawiki? just try to restore the data and make the PDF have some hidden codes that are used to place media links/boxes.

Long Live the Emperor Jens!
Let the Machine Spirit guide You through Your Life!
mc collilieux
2009-11-04 16:00:53 UTC
Post by mc collilieux
Where is the repair of the wiki? Perhaps it's my turn to try... if you
have still the data.
Wiki progress

With phpwiki 1.3.14 and some small adjusteents, I can read my first
pages in this wiki (with admin role). To get this easier i need rewrite
some intro page.
Marie-Claude Collilieux
mc collilieux
2009-11-04 23:49:47 UTC
Post by mc collilieux
Where is the repair of the wiki? Perhaps it's my turn to try... if you
have still the data.
This is the restore result: 34 pages in html. Were there more ? I don't
see any else good pages.

Finally phpwiki is a good wiki. It is possible to moderate user's
modifications and avoid spam(I think)

I have made only a restore/save job but it is also possible to reinjecte
these pages (with more work) in a new phpwiki, is this a good idea ?
Marie-Claude Collilieux
Константинов Юра
2009-11-05 06:16:41 UTC
Not if the PHPWiki reqs ya to use admin access. an equal XML should do the trick.
Jens Granseuer
2009-11-05 17:34:19 UTC
Post by mc collilieux
Post by mc collilieux
Where is the repair of the wiki? Perhaps it's my turn to try... if you
have still the data.
This is the restore result: 34 pages in html.
Cool! Thanks for that.
Post by mc collilieux
Were there more ? I don't see any else good pages.
I can't really tell whether that is all there was, but at least I don't
notice any glaring omissions at first glance. One thing I did notice was
that in YalwaCamaign.html the map at the beginning is missing. I don't
remember whether it was ASCII line art or an image, but my guess would
be the former, and in that case maybe you stripped out the
"funny-looking characters" in your extraction process?
Post by mc collilieux
Finally phpwiki is a good wiki. It is possible to moderate user's
modifications and avoid spam(I think)
I have made only a restore/save job but it is also possible to reinjecte
these pages (with more work) in a new phpwiki, is this a good idea ?
Well. My main concern after this episode is that there has to be a
simple way to export the wiki content in some easily accessible format,
and ideally also reimport it into other wikis without too much hassle.
If phpwiki provides that, I'm not opposed to the idea.

mc collilieux
2009-11-05 22:22:29 UTC
Jens Granseuer a écrit :

Post by Jens Granseuer
I can't really tell whether that is all there was, but at least I
don't notice any glaring omissions at first glance. One thing I did
notice was that in YalwaCamaign.html the map at the beginning is
missing. I don't remember whether it was ASCII line art or an image,
but my guess would be the former, and in that case maybe you stripped
out the "funny-looking characters" in your extraction process?
Exact, some characters have vanished during the processus, you can add this

\ ^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^ |
| ^ * 4.4 Ultha^^^ |
/ ^^ ^^^^^^^ /
/ ^^^ * 4.3 ^^^^ ^^/
/ ^^ ^^^^^^^^/
/ ^^^^ Renus ^^* 4.2 Enolia^^/
/ ^ ^^^ * 2.5 ^^^^ ^^^^^/
| ^^^^ * 3.1 * 3.2 Kand HQ^^^ ^^^^^^/
\ ^^* 2.2 ^*^4.1^^^^/
\ * 2.3 * 2.1+3.3 Sarakhad^^^^^^/
\ * 1.6+2.4 Lula ^^^^^^^ /
| ^^^^^ |
| * 1.5 Lake Yukarwa ^^^ |
| * 1.4 Sarot Plains ^^^ |
| ^^ |
| ^ * 1.3 Mhran airfields ^ |
| ^^^^ |
| ^^^^^^ * 1.2 |
| ^^^^^^^^ * 1.1 Rhintura |
| ^^^^^^^ |


"This is *not* intended to be definitive; we'll need a real artist for
that, but this map should give the general idea):"
Post by Jens Granseuer
Post by mc collilieux
I have made only a restore/save job but it is also possible to
reinjecte these pages (with more work) in a new phpwiki, is this a
good idea ?
Well. My main concern after this episode is that there has to be a
simple way to export the wiki content in some easily accessible
format, and ideally also reimport it into other wikis without too
much hassle. If phpwiki provides that, I'm not opposed to the idea.
I have tested phpwiki 1.3.14 which can export the last version of all
pages in html with this problem of disparition of some characters. This
export is not made for reimport. It can also export all pages with
monitoring version in mail format as multipart/mixed, that export is
reusable for import in phpwiki, but in another wiki, I don't know ?

I get on with test how to reimport data in phpwiki or mediawiki
Marie-Claude Collilieux
mc collilieux
2009-11-06 22:48:58 UTC
Post by Jens Granseuer
Well. My main concern after this episode is that there has to be a
simple way to export the wiki content in some easily accessible
format, and ideally also reimport it into other wikis without too
much hassle. If phpwiki provides that, I'm not opposed to the idea.
Hello , this is a package with all crimson files with the versioning
(it's the "zip dump" for reimport in phpwiki by an administrator in
PhpWikiAdministration -> Restoring -> Upload File.

I don't understand how tell to this ~#[@!! programm I am administrator !

I have tested a script phpwiki2mediawiki, not so bad but some little
work after formatting rules are very different. It's running and not so
long, perhaps tomorrow...
Marie-Claude Collilieux
mc collilieux
2009-11-07 15:42:16 UTC
Post by Jens Granseuer
Well. My main concern after this episode is that there has to be a
simple way to export the wiki content in some easily accessible format,
and ideally also reimport it into other wikis without too much hassle.
If phpwiki provides that, I'm not opposed to the idea.
This is an export xml from mediawiki 1.15.1 for import in a new base.
Perhaps you need change <username>Mccwiki</username> (x34) in this file
to real first author :)

Finally, now, mediawiki administration is more easier and logical than

If you choose a third wiki, please test compatibility before!

Longue vie to Crimson !
Marie-Claude Collilieux
Jens Granseuer
2009-11-11 22:55:15 UTC
Post by mc collilieux
This is an export xml from mediawiki 1.15.1 for import in a new base.
Perhaps you need change <username>Mccwiki</username> (x34) in this file
to real first author :)
Finally, now, mediawiki administration is more easier and logical than
I had a look at mediawiki yesterday. It seems like the software
additionally requires a database installation which is a bit of a
complication that I'd like to avoid if possible. Can mediawiki be
installed with a file-system-only option?

Константинов Юра
2009-11-12 00:09:11 UTC
Just use PDF with PHP back-end and XML front-end. That simple form should do the trick. wiki1_story.pdf, searchthrough.php and frontend.xml - 3 files. (more PDF files as the Wiki expands).
mc collilieux
2009-11-12 23:25:22 UTC
Post by Jens Granseuer
I had a look at mediawiki yesterday. It seems like the software
additionally requires a database installation which is a bit of a
complication that I'd like to avoid if possible. Can mediawiki be
installed with a file-system-only option?
No, Mediawiki don't work without sql database.

The more known wikis with flat files are Dokuwiki and Pmwiki. Phpwiki
also theorically, I can't make it run correctly, perhaps because of version.

If you want to see what can be pmwiki or dokuwiki with relooking:



IMHO, it's important that both are able to protect or limit page editing
to registered users only. Spam in pages I retrieve is monstruous !

If it needs to modify a little the actual pages, I can, if you want.

Good week-end
Marie-Claude Collilieux
2009-11-13 09:46:45 UTC
Hi all,

for the records, sourceforge.net provides a managed mediawiki
( http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/sourceforge/wiki/Hosted%20Apps )
so if we moved from seul.org to sourceforge.net, we could be relieved of
having to managing a wiki by our own.

could not this be easier ?

Post by mc collilieux
Post by Jens Granseuer
I had a look at mediawiki yesterday. It seems like the software
additionally requires a database installation which is a bit of a
complication that I'd like to avoid if possible. Can mediawiki be
installed with a file-system-only option?
No, Mediawiki don't work without sql database.
The more known wikis with flat files are Dokuwiki and Pmwiki. Phpwiki also
theorically, I can't make it run correctly, perhaps because of version.
IMHO, it's important that both are able to protect or limit page editing to
registered users only. Spam in pages I retrieve is monstruous !
If it needs to modify a little the actual pages, I can, if you want.
Good week-end
Marie-Claude Collilieux
Константинов Юра
2009-11-13 12:39:13 UTC
Yup, Simple End-User Linux is a butt. Sourceforge is cooler in that it not only gives a managed mediawiki, it allows the leader of the main development team to have own @sourceforge email. Though we'd need to register Crimsonfields.org website on UCOZ for the forum (SF doesn't have mailing lists).

Long Life the Emperor Jens!
mc collilieux
2009-11-13 17:35:53 UTC
Post by Philippe BARTHELEMY
Hi all,
for the records, sourceforge.net provides a managed mediawiki (
http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/sourceforge/wiki/Hosted%20Apps ) so
if we moved from seul.org to sourceforge.net, we could be relieved of
having to managing a wiki by our own.
Hello Philippe, while Jens is choosing his new wiki,
what do you think about translate actual pages in french ?
Marie-Claude Collilieux
Jens Granseuer
2009-11-13 18:55:24 UTC
Post by mc collilieux
The more known wikis with flat files are Dokuwiki and Pmwiki. Phpwiki
also theorically, I can't make it run correctly, perhaps because of version.
Ok, so I just installed pmwiki on the server. The wiki's still empty,
and I haven't looked at what's needed to get our data imported. If
somebody else wants to give it a shot that'd be great.

Also, editing is currently disabled until I've figured out what we want
to do, and how that's done with pmwiki. Suggestions welcome. Anybody
have experience with pmwiki? Our old wiki did have some regular spammer

Then, it looks like pmwiki nicely supports theming, so if anybody feels
inclined to give the wiki a more crimsonish look...

Anyway, hope we'll finally get this back up soon.

mc collilieux
2009-11-13 23:01:58 UTC
Post by Jens Granseuer
Post by mc collilieux
The more known wikis with flat files are Dokuwiki and Pmwiki. Phpwiki
also theorically, I can't make it run correctly, perhaps because of version.
Ok, so I just installed pmwiki on the server. The wiki's still empty,
and I haven't looked at what's needed to get our data imported. If
somebody else wants to give it a shot that'd be great.
No problem, I retransform your pages, pmwiki syntax is near phpwiki,
just some sed commands. It is on going (is it the good term ?)
Post by Jens Granseuer
Also, editing is currently disabled until I've figured out what we want
to do, and how that's done with pmwiki. Suggestions welcome. Anybody
have experience with pmwiki? Our old wiki did have some regular spammer
What do you need ? Perhaps read first pages:
and then, if you have questions about...
Post by Jens Granseuer
Then, it looks like pmwiki nicely supports theming, so if anybody feels
inclined to give the wiki a more crimsonish look...
Ah, more difficult because I am not an artist but if someone has ideas,
i can try to realize it
Post by Jens Granseuer
Anyway, hope we'll finally get this back up soon.
Marie-Claude Collilieux
Ernesto Domato
2009-11-14 02:11:36 UTC
Post by Jens Granseuer
Then, it looks like pmwiki nicely supports theming, so if anybody feels
inclined to give the wiki a more crimsonish look...
Ah, more difficult because I am not an artist but if someone has ideas, i
can try to realize it
I'm not an artist either but I know about PHP+HTML+CSS so I can try to
do it anyway too. I'll see if I experiment a little at home during the
weekend, Which version did you installed?, the last one on PmWiki
homepage (2.2.7)?.

Константинов Юра
2009-11-14 07:26:25 UTC
Being an artist is not needed as the website uses minimal theming. Just keep that style in the wiki to make it match Lauren's CF website. I'm an average annoyer, ya know.
Jens Granseuer
2009-11-14 12:20:16 UTC
Post by mc collilieux
Post by Jens Granseuer
Also, editing is currently disabled until I've figured out what we want
to do, and how that's done with pmwiki. Suggestions welcome. Anybody
have experience with pmwiki? Our old wiki did have some regular spammer
and then, if you have questions about...
Yeah, I already had a look at those pages. I'm just not sure what would
be a good policy. In the old wiki, we had editing enabled for everyone.
On the one hand, that caused quite a bit of spam, on the other we
actually had useful additions and corrections by "everyone". If we just
restricted editing to a few known contributors we'd lose that. Maybe
setting a global editing password that we'd pass to people interested in
contributing is a good compromise. Thoughts?

Nikola Smolenski
2009-11-14 13:04:07 UTC
Post by Jens Granseuer
Post by mc collilieux
Post by Jens Granseuer
Also, editing is currently disabled until I've figured out what we want
to do, and how that's done with pmwiki. Suggestions welcome. Anybody
have experience with pmwiki? Our old wiki did have some regular spammer
and then, if you have questions about...
Yeah, I already had a look at those pages. I'm just not sure what would
be a good policy. In the old wiki, we had editing enabled for everyone.
On the one hand, that caused quite a bit of spam, on the other we
actually had useful additions and corrections by "everyone". If we just
restricted editing to a few known contributors we'd lose that. Maybe
setting a global editing password that we'd pass to people interested in
contributing is a good compromise. Thoughts?
MediaWiki has several different ways of fighting spam. For example, you could
forbit unlogged people to save edits that contain new URLs, or use captchas
if a new URL is detected.
mc collilieux
2009-11-14 14:23:18 UTC
Post by Jens Granseuer
Yeah, I already had a look at those pages. I'm just not sure what would
be a good policy. In the old wiki, we had editing enabled for everyone.
On the one hand, that caused quite a bit of spam, on the other we
actually had useful additions and corrections by "everyone". If we just
restricted editing to a few known contributors we'd lose that. Maybe
setting a global editing password that we'd pass to people interested in
contributing is a good compromise. Thoughts?
It is the quickiest way, but...
if you have included a spammer in these people, you need to mail all of
them (except the spammer) a new password.
Setting personnel passwords and group system (@writers)in
SiteAdmin/AuthUser make you able to delete immediatly the spammer from
the group writers (or delete him all) without touch others. In the
beginning, it needs create a user/password for each volunteer contributor.

Other matter:
By accident I have create pages group for each level of pages.

The good point is that one can up only one level and not return always
to main page (homepage). For example on page crystals, the backlink on
top is UserManual and on page UserManual, top link is Main.
The bad point is that Crystals page name is now UserManual/Crystals.

What have to do now ? Continue with these groupnames or rename all pages
as before and all pages under Main ?

It should be finished tomorrow :-)
Marie-Claude Collilieux
mc collilieux
2009-11-14 15:57:59 UTC
Post by mc collilieux
By accident I have create pages group for each level of pages.
The good point is that one can up only one level and not return always
to main page (homepage). For example on page crystals, the backlink on
top is UserManual and on page UserManual, top link is Main.
The bad point is that Crystals page name is now UserManual/Crystals.
What have to do now ? Continue with these groupnames or rename all pages
as before and all pages under Main ?
I answer to myself, groups should not have to be used like this
Marie-Claude Collilieux
mc collilieux
2009-11-15 02:00:52 UTC
Post by Jens Granseuer
Also, editing is currently disabled until I've figured out what
we want to do, and how that's done with pmwiki. Suggestions
welcome. Anybody have experience with pmwiki? Our old wiki did
have some regular spammer issues.
I have just send all files for pmwiki to your mail address. I hope it
is a real address, please contact me if you receive nothing.
Marie-Claude Collilieux
Jens Granseuer
2009-11-20 18:22:23 UTC

so, I don't know if you noticed but the wiki's been back up for a few
days. Thanks to Marie-Claude for the support, and also to Philippe and
Nikola who both gave it a try earlier.

For now we have a global editing password (icanedit). We'll see how that

Go wild,
2009-11-25 01:38:33 UTC
Can you remind us what the URL is?

Pat O
Post by Jens Granseuer
so, I don't know if you noticed but the wiki's been back up for a few
days. Thanks to Marie-Claude for the support, and also to Philippe and
Nikola who both gave it a try earlier.
For now we have a global editing password (icanedit). We'll see how that
Go wild,
2009-11-25 11:10:23 UTC
Post by p***@public.gmane.org
Can you remind us what the URL is?
Pat O
Post by Jens Granseuer
so, I don't know if you noticed but the wiki's been back up for a few
days. Thanks to Marie-Claude for the support, and also to Philippe and
Nikola who both gave it a try earlier.
For now we have a global editing password (icanedit). We'll see how that
Go wild,